Vicky Smith (b. Galway, Ireland)
2023-2025 Turps Correspondence Course, Turps Art School, London (UK)
2010-2011 MA Art in the Contemporary World (hons), National College of Art & Design, Dublin (IRL)
2006-2007 Diploma, History of Art (European & Irish Painting) (hons),Trinity College, University of Dublin (IRL)
2003-2004 MA Arts Administration & Cultural Policy (hons), Goldsmiths College, University of London, (UK)
1998-1999 Higher Diploma, Art, Craft & Design Education (1st hons), CIT, Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork (IRL)
1997-1998 BA Degree in Fine Art, Printmaking (1st hons) CIT, Crawford College of Art, Cork (IRL)
1994-1997 National Diploma in Painting (1st hons)CIT Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork (IRL)
Invited Artist Facilitator/Educator, Red Bird Youth Collective, Galway Arts Centre 2024
FL Art Education Co-ordinator and Teacher, Engage Art Studios, Galway, (IRL)
FET Tutor Fine Art Drawing Techniques, Galway Technical Institute, Galway (IRL)
The Children's Gallery of Art, founder, Galway, (IRL)
Stocaí ó Saoirse, Artist Residency, Engage Art Studios Gallery, Summer Weekly Showcase, Galway, (IRL)
The Cold Bark Against My Back, Engage Art Studios Gallery, Galway (IRL)
The Cold Bark Against My Back, The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
A Final Soar into Orbit, The Linenhall Arts Centre, Mayo (IRL)
House of Blindness, PS2 & Paragon Studios, Belfast (IRL/UK)
Mega Bubble Space Burbs, Galway Arts Centre, Galway (IRL)
Contrasts, a group show at The Olivier Corent Gallery. Dublin (IRL)
Reflections, a commemoration of the Irish women of 1923 with artist Aine Philips, Galway City Museum (IRL)
Spectrum; An Exploration, 47th Clifden Arts Festival ‘24 | Art Trail | Venue; Wild Beauty, Bridge Street, Clifden
Pink is my colour, summer group show at The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
Compendium, a group exhibition at The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
OXO, Outset Gallery Xmas Open, a group exhibition featuring 130 artworks, Unit 15 The Cornstore,Galway City (IRL)
Reflections, a commemoration of the Irish women of 1923, St Nicholas Collegiate Church, Galway (IRL)
We Float, The 46th Clifden Arts Festival, Clifden, Connemara, Co. Galway (IRL)
1515, a group show of small works at The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
Infinite Possibilities, Galway International Arts Festival ‘23. Brigid Mulligan, Vicky Smith & Cecilia Bullo, Galway City (IRL)
My Favourite Artwork, The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
2012-2022, a decade of exhibitions, The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
2012-2022, a decade of exhibitions,The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin(IRL)
The Cold Bark Against My Back, Engage Art Studios Gallery, Summer Weekly Showcase, Galway(IRL)
Engage Studios Members Show, Galway International Arts Festival,(IRL)
Outrageous, Obscene and Offensive (Bloomsday Summer Show), The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
Memento, Looking back, Looking forward OCG, The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
PLUID, The Cowshed Gallery, Farmleigh House & Estate, Dublin (IRL)
On Paper, The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
Resurfacing, The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin, (IRL)
The Morphing Feminine (Bloomsday Summer show), The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
Drawing On Don Quixote, National Opera, Wexford, VUE Art fair, RHA & The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin (IRL)
Benchmark, Linenhall Arts Centre, Mayo (IRL)
Hiatus 126 Artist-run gallery, Galway (IRL)
Permission, Just Art It Gallery & Cúirt Writer’s International Festival, Galway(IRL)
Fragmented Shore, Just Art It & Cúirt International Writers festival, Galway (IRL)
Somewhere between perception and reality, VUE Contemporary Art Fair & RHA Dublin (IRL)
Narrating Self, Translating the Other, Galway Arts Centre, Galway (IRL)
'2° C', The Olivier Cornet Gallery, & VUE & RHA Dublin (IRL)
Material Conditions, Platform Arts, Belfast (IRL/UK))
Nasty Women, Pallas/Project Studios, Dublin (IRL)
The Meeting, Laois Arthouse & Library, Stradbally, Co. Laois (IRL)
Impressions, Galway International Arts festival, IRL
Incognito, Solomon Gallery, Dublin, (IRL)
HouseWork, Wife, Woman, An Taibdhearc Irish Language Theatre, Galway (IRL)
Impressions, Galway International Art Festival, CCAM, GMIT, Galway (IRL)
AGA Collective,The Olivier Cornet Gallery. Dublin (IRL)
Little Kingdoms, Catalyst Arts, Belfast (IRL/UK)
Engage Studios Member Show, 126 artist-run Gallery, Galway (IRL)
Winter Open, Rua Red Gallery, Dublin, (IRL)
Pace, Clifden Arts Festival, Galway (IRL)
Too Many Dinner Parties, PS2 & Paragon Studios Studios(Belfast), the Shed Gallery, the Docks, Galway (IRL)
Drawing on the Back of an Envelope. Linenhall Arts Centre, Mayo (IRL)
Under-the-Counter(UTCP) Public Art Artist Collective & the Niland Gallery, Galway (IRL)
Chemist at your Service, Brigit’s Gardens, Galway City Council ,Galway (IRL)
#008000,The Shed Gallery, Galway (IRL)
Latency, Linenhall Arts Centre, Mayo (IRL)
A Public Mosaic, 126 Artist-run Gallery & NCAD, Dublin (IRL)
Spectrum of Activity The Black Mariah & Triskel Arts Centre, Cork (IRL)
Fragmentary Sites ‘in-flux’ Occupy Space, Limerick (IRL)
Perambulatory Rhetoric’s, Vicky Smith & Lisa Sweeney, The Niland Gallery, Galway (IRL)
The Affordable Art fair & Karen Taylor Contemporary Art Gallery, Battersea Park, London (UK)
Mythology, Mystery and Magic, Blue Wing Gallery, Kew, London, (UK)
Travel Karen Taylor Gallery, Contemporary Art Gallery, Twickenham, London, (UK)
Illusion Gallery of Contemporary Art, Kuwait (UAE)
Fresh Art Design Business Centre, Islington Green, London (UK)
Body Aspects, BlueWing Gallery, Kew, London (UK)
Artists Open Studio, Croydon, London (UK)
The Discerning Eye, The Mall Galleries, The Mall, London (UK)
Iontas, Sligo Art Gallery, Sligo (IRL)
Artists Books, Wexford Arts Centre (IRL)
BackWater Artists Exhibition, Wandesford Quay, Cork (IRL)
Women, Work and Money MWA Museum of Women’s Art, London (UK)
Registered teacher of Art, Craft & Design with the Teaching Council, Ireland (Primary, Secondary & Third Level settings)
Superintendent with the State Exams Commission & mock exams corrector JC & LC Art, Examcraft, Dublin (IRL)
Fine Art Drawing Techniques Tutor, Adult Education, Galway Technical Institute, Galway, (IRL)
Freelance Arts Education Coordinator (workshops for children, young people & adults), Engage Art Studios, Galway, (IRL)
The Children’s Gallery of Art, research, feasibility & development, Galway, (IRL)
Creative Schools Artist, (junior to senior children) Creative Schools led by the Arts Council of Ireland ( recent projects Ardagh NS, Oliver Plunkett NS, Tieernevin NS & Tynagh NS, Galway)
Engage Art Studios (2010-2023), Arts Education Co-ordinator(2019-2023),board member (2015-2019),Galway (IRL)
AGA Collective Associate Artist member,(2018-2023) The Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin, (IRL)
VAI Professional membership, Dublin (IRL)
126 Artist-run gallery & board member (2010-2012) Galway, (IRL)
Registered teacher of Art,Craft & Design, the Teaching Council of Ireland, Department of Education and Skills (IRL)
2023 Agility Award Round 1, Arts Council, Ireland, (IRL)
2022 Individual Arts Bursary, Galway City Council, (IRL)
2021 Agility Award Round 1, Arts Council, Ireland, (IRL)
2017 Individual Arts Bursary, Galway City Council, (IRL)
2017 Creative Schools, Tynagh National School, Loughrea, Galway City Council, (IRL)
2016 Creative Schools,Tierneevin National School, Gort, Co. Galway, (IRL)
2014 Individual Arts Bursary Award, Galway City Council, (IRL)
2012 Visual Arts Residency, Galway Arts Centre, Galway,(IRL)
2012 Galway City Council Award, Brigit's Garden's exhibition, Galway,(IRL)
2011 Individual Arts Bursary Award, Galway City Council,(IRL)
1999 H.Dip Student of the Year Award, Crawford College of Art&Design,(IRL)
1999 BA Honours Degree Fine Art Student of the year, Crawford College of Art & Design,(IRL)
1998 Barry Malone Award, Diploma in painting, Crawford College of Art &Design, (IRL)
Bennett, Private Collection, Dublin (IRL)
Ward,Private Collection, Galway, (IRL)
Dempsey Private Collection, Kinvara, Galway, (IRL)
Cotter, Private Collection, Cork, (IRL)
Norley, Private Collection, London (UK)
Devenney, Private Collection, Newcastle (UK)
Petal, Private Collection, London (UK)
Oakley, Private Collection, London(UK)
Spearing, Private Collection, London(UK)
Bird, Private Collection, London (UK)
May, Private Collection, London (UK)
Stephens, Private Collection, London (UK)
UAE, Nafisi Private Collection ( UAE)
See and Be Seen:Summer Exhibitions To Bookmark This Month by Penny McCormick, The Gloss July, 2023
My Favourite Artwork Fine Arts What’s On Guide: Clock ticking down on Mullens online auction, Business Post, July 2023
The Best Exhibitions To See This Month,(article) 2012-2022, by Penny McCormick, February 2023
Escape the January Blue, Elizabeth Bird Thistle, Review, Hone & Design, The Irish times, Saturday January 7, 2023
Sunday Long Read,Review, Ciarán Drohan, Trinity News, Vicky Smith's Complex Portrayal of Womanhood, 27 March 2022
What Lies Beneath & On Show Two to View,(article) Niall MacMonagle, Sunday Independent, Art: 13 March 2022
Artistic Licence, Vicky Smith an interview by Penny McCormick, The Gloss Magazine, Culture&Books, March, 2022
I Know, But only Just, Solas Nua & Winter Papers Vol.6. The Pandora Myth Winter papers Vol.6, 2021
Bóthar na Trá, Galway art publication by Engage Art Studio members', Galway, 2020
Poetry Review publication 124, edited by Eavan Boland ,2017
The Meeting, Paula Clarke, an essay in response to The Meeting, Laois Art House and Library, August, 2017
Spectrum of Activity, a group show review by Adrian Duncan, Paper Visual Arts Journal 2011
The Best Art Exhibitions running across the country, by Aidan Dunne, The Irish Times 5th January, 2019
Critics Choice Drawing On Don Quixote, by Aidan Dunne, The Irish Times, Ticket, January 18, 2020
From the Studio Of-nterview with Ailve McCormack August 2011.
The Best Art Shows to Spend Time With this Week, The Meeting, Gemma Tipton, Dublin 1.The Irish Times, August 2017
'Nasty Women’ exhibition catalogue Pallas projects/Studios August, Dublin 2017
‘Mega Bubble Space Burbs’ publication of Smith’s work for her solo exhibition at Galway Arts Centre featuring an essay by short fiction & essay writer Claire-Louise Bennett, Galway, IRL 2013
‘Too Many Dinner Parties’ exhibition catalogue featuring Smith’s work Markers of Modeller’s and Turners
‘Fragmentary Sites’ A publication by Vicky Smith psycho-geography photographic walk in Galway 2012
‘Feach’- Look, Consider, Examine, Contemporary Visual Arts Centre design plan 2010
‘The Emperor's New Clothes’, Tales Magazine; selected image for Vol 1, Issue 1, 2003
‘Discerning Eye’, sponsored by ING Bank, Pall Mall Galleries, The Mall, London, UK 2003
‘Fresh Art Fair’ Catalogue 18-20 July 2003/2004 with an essay by Lucy McNeill Event Director
‘Iontas 2000’, Sligo Art Gallery Eleventh National small works art exhibition and travel award
‘Untitled’ Fine Art Degree Show Catalogue, Crawford College of Art, Craft & Design, 1999
Artists Well presents The Cold Bark Against My Back an exhibition discussion by Vicky Smith with Alan Keane Saturday 5th March 2022 – S2, Ep16
Galway Print Studio Exhibition at the Connacht Tribune Printworks with Irish Sky TV 2016.
Arena RTE Radio 1 Arts & Culture with Sean Rocks, radio review of Sonia Shiel’s exhibition, Man with a Fabelous Tale, Galway Arts Centre, (2012)
Artist studio talk with Yeats College, LC Art students, Engage Artist Studios, Galway, 2022
Cork Printmakers Symposium, Galway Print Studio,City Hall, Cork, June 2017
Fragments Chaired Engage Art Studios exhibition talk, Permissions, as part of the Cuirt International
Writers Festival at Just Art It, Galway, IRL, 2018
Illuminate exhibition talk with Ruby Wallis, Nun's Island Theatre, Galway City, 2013
What do you stand for? National College of Art & Design Seminar 126 artist-run gallery, 2011
Art History Leaving Certificate lecture presentation Galway Arts Centre, 2011
ArtSpace, Galway Arts Centre &
Talking about Stuff &Things, Engage Art Studios Contemporary Art talks, Niland Gallery